NEWS: [ 27 Mar 2011 ] Jiritsu Camera360° Mini-Demo.
Summary of the news:
• Jiritsu camera
• Close up of Korumon-repelling beacon
• Sprite morphing feature
• Koruldia youtube channel
This is a mini-demo (through a GIF sequence with about 20 screenshots)
of the performance of the Jiritsu system made under RMVX.
Koruldia will make use of it in the screenplay and in the gameplay during QTEs.
Just imagine the same thing but with better fluidity (60fps) and with 32bits colours instead, this would probably give you a better idea of the whole picture.
The level design was thought through in 3D while exploration within the game is done through a bird's view with a precise pixel rendering which is sometimes followed by a change to a 360° free camera (?)
Whenever you reach a new area, the camera gives you a short overview:
This is a picture of a conversation between two characters about the korumon-repelling beacon.
you can see a close-up of the radiation inside (although the 127 colour resolution isn't showing it at its best). This scene should
then be followed with some surprise action before bringing the camera back to the usual aerial view used from the beginning of the game.
(then Kayser mentions something about morphing which he has to explain to me coz I don't quite understand it)
If we get even closer to the characters, there is a sprite morphing planned, which will make the sprites become polygonal.
Kayser is still working on it and states he is finishing the design of the healing centers and the icy zones
The same camera principles are also applied to other zones like for the
entrance to the dungeon below:
Basically this news is kind of a preview from the Koruldia game making page (graphics) under construction. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to see anything in particular in that part of the website before it gets published, please feel free to comment !
And finally, Koruldia is proud to announce that the Koruldia channel is now available on Youtube to host the videos to come !! (Please don't pay attention to the current video sitting there right now, it's just a filler before the new videos come in )
>>Click here for the Koruldia channel<<