Josh dragged me here

Here you can speak (in english) about game creation with RPG Maker or similar tools.
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Josh dragged me here

Message non lu par Lone-One » sam. févr. 21, 2009 10:24 pm

I am just kidding. He invited me to this forum and I liked it so I decided to join to check it out.

My name is Herbert and I am a friend of Josh. I am here for many reasons.
1. I love the art and I wish to get into pixel art myself.
2. Josh was lonely so I came to help him :happy:


- A little about me:
I am an 18 year old Business Owner/Web Programmer. I know the small programming languages such as HTML/CSS/XHTML and PHP/MySQL. I am also teaching myself Lingo for game programming. I am not very good with graphics. I have decent skills but nothing amazing. Um, oh I am also American like Josh :happy: . I am also taking up Spanish in class so I MAY be able to understand small parts of your language as Spanish and French share some similarities. If that fails, they have not made translators for nothing.

I look forward to meeting you all and becoming part of this already great community.

Bye for now!
Bye pour maintenant!

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Message non lu par irie » sam. févr. 21, 2009 10:38 pm

Yaaaaay welcome :D! (and thanks Josh huhuhu)
Thanks for joining in, we have collected a total amount of... 2 american guys (yahoooo :))! Let's get some more xD!! *runs away :D*

haha well this part of the forum was a no man's land before you two, I am really happy to see you here! Please accept my 60 korulz gift... it's virtual money, you can buy clothes with, check the Shop corner (sorry the Avatar system is in French only so you may have trouble to find where are shoes, socks, shirts, etc. at the beginning, please ask Josh then, he already spent like 5 hours trying to figuring out xD)!

I like pxl art a lot! do you have a portfolio? here is mine:
but i suck at coding ;_;

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Message non lu par KaYsEr » sam. févr. 21, 2009 10:47 pm

Welcome Lone-One, yeah we should translate the shop as soon as possible (only shops titles at least)

This place was released sometime ago (around Christmas), so it needs some work yet, (the banner for example is still temporary) and of course... more members.
We'll do translation for the next koruldia news as an important first step.

Thanks for coming ;)

A bientôt !

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Message non lu par Lone-One » sam. févr. 21, 2009 10:51 pm

Thanks a lot!

Just seen the post from KaYsEr. Thanks to you too! By the way, I had gotten an idea when I was viewing the forum. I wanted to know if it would be ok for me to start a thread in the English post of the found called "Translations"? I think it may be a good place for the members to have a list of French<->English translations to refer to. It would probably also allow us to understand each other a bit better.

Haha josh is funny. I spent 5-10 minutes looking and I found how to change my avatar. I am just trying to collect the 100 points I need to get the outfit I want :P.

I am a great coding. I just need to work on my graphics. I am good with them, but not as good as I want to be.

No I do not have a portfolio sorry. I have seen yours and I familiar with most of your work especially with what you did with SokuCity. I loved it.

Want to know the funny thing? I do not think anyone can be good at both :pleure: . All of the good designers I know can no code, and all the coders I know (such as myself) can not design. The world works in a funny way haha.

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Message non lu par KaYsEr » sam. févr. 21, 2009 10:59 pm

Yeah, it's "specialization"... But you can be efficient both if you "distribute" your aptitude with good balance. (only a matter of choices I mean)
I wanted to know if it would be ok for me to start a thread in the English post of the found called "Translations"? I think it may be a good place for the members to have a list of French<->English translations to refer to
It should be a good idea, go ahead ;)

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Message non lu par Josh » sam. févr. 21, 2009 11:09 pm

oh no, I knew it was a bad idea to bring another american here look at all the talking he does, haha only kidding Herb.

Thanks for Joining.

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Message non lu par irie » sam. févr. 21, 2009 11:11 pm

Lone-One a écrit :Want to know the funny thing? I do not think anyone can be good at both :pleure: . All of the good designers I know can no code, and all the coders I know (such as myself) can not design. The world works in a funny way haha.
So true :) maybe that's what makes us valuable to others... but I still want to lean coding though! Now im trying to learn VBA in books (to do financial mathematics)... if it works maybe I ll find a good internship *sigh* very hard because of the bad economic situation...

anyway, yay I had good times with SokuCity, too bad it got scrapped...

PS: nice pixel coat ;)
Dernière modification par irie le sam. févr. 21, 2009 11:12 pm, modifié 1 fois.

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Message non lu par Lone-One » sam. févr. 21, 2009 11:12 pm

Josh a écrit :oh no, I knew it was a bad idea to bring another american here look at all the talking he does, haha only kidding Herb.

Thanks for Joining.
Lol we gonna fight.... I thought it would be good for people to get to know a little of my background.

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Message non lu par Dentelle127 » dim. févr. 22, 2009 12:54 am

Yeah, thank you again for your devotion ^^! It's very nice from you to help us... for learning english, and french for you too. It would be an interesting experience, that's nice. I really want to learn more English (lessons at school are... erf... it's so catastrophic -_-" - I find)

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Message non lu par Lone-One » dim. févr. 22, 2009 1:26 am

Dentelle127 a écrit :Yeah, thank you again for your devotion ^^! It's very nice from you to help us... for learning english, and french for you too. It would be an interesting experience, that's nice. I really want to learn more English (lessons at school are... erf... it's so catastrophic -_-" - I find)
Yeah I know how it can be. I am in school learning Spanish. That's why i thought it may have been a good idea :P. Interacting with people that speaks the language you want to know always helps. I just got another idea about this. lol. If needed, i can upload (on one of my servers), wav files with pronunciations that will not only teach you words, but also how to say them :coucou: . I have too much time on my hands.

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Message non lu par Dentelle127 » dim. févr. 22, 2009 3:23 pm

Lone-one a écrit :If needed, i can upload (on one of my servers), wav files with pronunciations that will not only teach you words, but also how to say them . I have too much time on my hands.
Not really for me, but I'm motivated! We would learn a lot of things, I'm sure :D ! You're nice, taking times for that is very brave :bravo: .

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Message non lu par Lone-One » lun. févr. 23, 2009 4:19 pm

Dentelle127 a écrit :
Lone-one a écrit :If needed, i can upload (on one of my servers), wav files with pronunciations that will not only teach you words, but also how to say them . I have too much time on my hands.
Not really for me, but I'm motivated! We would learn a lot of things, I'm sure :D ! You're nice, taking times for that is very brave :bravo: .
Yeah that is the same thing that I had thought of after I posted that. So yeah, that idea is pretty much scratched.

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Koruldia Silver Soldier
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Message non lu par aktoby » mar. févr. 24, 2009 12:27 pm

Hello there Lone One, welcome to you!
I think and I hope koruldia will be translate in english, good for you!
aktoby :music:

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Message non lu par Lone-One » mer. févr. 25, 2009 3:44 am

aktoby a écrit :Hello there Lone One, welcome to you!
I think and I hope KoRuLdiA will be translate in english, good for you!
Thank You!!

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Message non lu par Remz » mer. févr. 25, 2009 1:46 pm

Welcome Lone-One!

I don't speak english very well so I speak spanish here!

Estoy contento de ver un americano en este Forum! Espero que te gustara! Jo estaba a USA hacia una semana! Es muy dificil para mi de hablar Ingles! Menos mal que mucha gente habla Espanol en Los Angeles y Las Vegas!

A donde vives en USA? / Where do you live in USA?

Hasta pronto!

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